On a beautiful beach in California with Father Calloway. He is the author of the popular “Consecration to St. Joseph” book and provided us with beautiful insight into the faith.

Who is Fr. Donald Calloway?
Blessings in the Year of St. Joseph!
Here are his own words:
"I am so excited to be participating in Consecration of California to St. Joseph on May 1. In these very difficult times, we need a message of hope, and all families, marriages, men, women, children, bishops, priests, and nuns need to go to St. Joseph! I encourage you to get a copy of my book and journey with us as we consecrate California to St. Joseph. The 33 days of preparation begins on March 30 and concludes with the consecration on May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. You can get a copy of the book in English or Spanish (paperback, ebook, or audio book) at the website: www.consecrationtostjoseph.org God bless you all! Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC"